Licensing AMaT
From demonstration to procurement, we’ll support you.
Making the decision to license a system like AMaT can be complicated. There are budgets to consider, stakeholders to engage, and perhaps you will have concerns over whether all the effort will really bring in the results you are hoping for. Whilst we can't make that decision for you, the team at AMaT can lighten the load - beginning with an open and transparent demonstration on the areas covered by the system.
You can request a brochure but our free demonstration will provide more opportunity to assess how AMaT can bring improvement into your organisation. Alternatively, we can put you in touch with other AMaT users who would be happy to discuss their experiences with you.
This is helping to ensure as a health board that we are cost effective, clinically effective and that we are providing the best opportunities and outcomes for patients. Natalie Morgan Thomas, Deputy Head of Clinical Audit and Lead Nurse for Clinical Effectiveness, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
Seeing AMaT in action
See how AMaT could fit into your organisation with a FREE demonstration.
Typically, a demonstration takes around an hour and we recommend that this is attended by colleagues from across the organisation – representing clinical audit, quality improvement, and governance where possible.
As a guide, it's worth remembering that AMaT has seven key modules: Clinical Audit, Ward & Area audit, Guidance, Inspections, Cumulative audit, Mortality & Morbidity Review, and Quality Improvement.
You'll be able to ask questions on any aspect from functionality and pricing, to support and technical, and we'll do our best to answer them.
Introducing AMaT
The Audit Management and Tracking tool to streamline all of your auditing requirements into one simple, easy-to-use system.
- Audit activity dashboards & tables
- Step by step audit process
- Unlimited users
- Audit sharing & collaboration
- Action planning & monitoring
- Alerts & notifications
- Ward audit scheduling & reporting
- User development forum

Clinical Teams and AMaT
AMaT allows clinical teams to register audits and improvement projects, associate related guidance, complete audits online, manage action plans and scheduling.
A timely and efficient solution - and one that means more time spent at patient bedsides.
The key benefits of AMaT for Clinical Teams are:
- Simple management of all projects from national audits to junior doctor improvement projects
- Visibility of non compliance and areas of focus for future improvement projects
- Easy management of reaudits
- Step-by-step guidance through the audit; all action plans and scheduling are managed
- PDF certificates and reports

Ward and Area Teams
Ward, area and team based audits are a daily part of clinical areas. But given the amount of time, labour, and paperwork involved, they can be challenging to implement effectively, and documentation can be easily duplicated or omitted.
The AMaT system allows for a structured approach to ward-based audits, promoting a paper-free auditing environment for audits from infection prevention to medicines, increasing accuracy and improving the reporting of compliance with standards. Because it is web-based, AMaT centralises your data, generates notifications and reminders, and gives you real-time visibility into performance against benchmarks.
The key benefits of AMaT for Ward Teams are:
- Simple creation of daily, monthly, quarterly and annual audits from hand hygiene, controlled drug to CQC style inspections
- Easy audit completion using smartphones or tablets: no more legibility issues, lost paperwork or rekeying data
- Add action plans, receive prompts and upload evidence of completion
- Dashboards clearly show audit activity, actions and progress with results displayed by organisation, clinical team, ward or area and question level.

AMaT ensures that all NICE guidance is updated and available for teams and individuals to access. Guidance can be associated with audits and projects, and AMaT manages statements of compliance and related action plans.
AMaT also allows users to add local and national guidelines, policies and many other types of guidance, providing a library to link to audit projects and monitor any gaps in auditing.
The key benefits of AMaT for Guidance are:
- Identify gaps in audit activity against guidance
- Easily manage statements of compliance, risks and actions plans
- Dashboards display progress and compliance status
- Allows teams to manage their guidance and evidence compliance

AMaT enables organisations to manage all recommendations, information requests, actions and evidence before, during and following an inspection.
AMaT intrinsically provides the following benefits for inspections:
- Instant overview of the progress of all recommendations and actions
- Approval process for actions and evidence of completion
- Linking themes and regulations to recommendations
- Timely notifications and overdue alerts to ensure evidence and actions are completed

Mortality and Morbidity Review (MaMR)
MaMR allows clinical teams to record and review the care and treatment of patients in their organisation.
A robust tool for learning from deaths and complex cases.
The key benefits of MaMR for organisations are:
- Simple Medical Examiner, speciality and multi-disciplinary review processes
- Customisable review pro formas
- Create presentations and monitor peer review
- Record meetings and discussions
- Instant overview of quality of care scores and progress
- Record contact with family and carers
- Detail relevant incidents, complaints and PALS contact
- Link to risks and record learning points
- Create and monitor actions for learning and improvement
- Record complex morbidity cases for learning

Quality Improvement
AMaT enables users and teams to register and document their Quality Improvement projects from start to finish, following a recognised six stage process.
The key benefits of AMaT for Quality Improvement Teams are:
- Dashboard view of registrations and project progress by stage
- Ability to record tasks, projects risks, conversations and much more
- Customisation of available QI tools for each stage
- Data collection and results from multiple pro formas

Risk Teams
Recording and learning from risks is a crucial part of improving patient outcomes. Risk is the first part of AMaT’s new Risk, Incidents, Complaints and Compliments module, which is designed to integrate with all your wider quality and governance data.
The AMaT system enables stakeholders within services and teams across an organisation to record controls, tasks, conversations, create effective treatment plans and link risks to themes, projects, and incidents within the system. AMaT centralises your data, generates notifications and reminders, and gives you real-time visibility into performance against benchmarks.
The key benefits of AMaT for Risk Teams are:
- Any ‘stakeholder’ can add a risk for their service
- Clear sight of risks and progress on dashboards which provide a daily update of updated risks
- Specific table for the corporate risk register
- Define and manage controls and treatment plans, ratings and response, tasks and conversations, and review dates and notes.

Bringing AMaT onboard
Implementing AMaT is carried out at a pace to suit you.
Your IG team will want to know where we stand on data security and so we are ready to fill out the forms and liaise with them. AMaT is ISO27001 and Cyber Essentials+ certified and our systems are regularly and independently tested.
Should you go down the framework route, we'll also help fill out your G Cloud contract or supply you with an alternative SaaS which covers all aspects of our commitment to availability, business continuation, and data security.
Training will be discussed, including our commitment to provide up to fifty users with clinical audit training with the Clinical Audit Support Centre.
You get better quality clinical audits when you train people on how to do a good project. Stephen Ashmore, Clinical Audit Support Centre
In addition, AMaT staff will train key super users on every part of AMaT. And whilst AMaT has been designed to be intuitive right from the start, a comprehensive series of video tutorials are available at any time through AMaT Academy.
Being part of a community
Once you license AMaT you become part of something special.
AMaT works closely with NHS clinical audit & effectiveness teams to build a system that not only follows best practice but, where possible, standardises how teams and organisations manage their improvement focussed activity.
To better facilitate this, we have created a space for teams to meet and discuss processes and new initiatives.
This group is called the Super User Group (SUG). Over the past 7 years, members of the SUG have worked together to discuss and prioritise over 195 new developments within AMaT.
The SUG have shared SOPs, audit tools, and guidance on processes and engagement. They have built a community that continues to grow.
To support this we are creating new workshops, role-focussed meetings, and also new sessions such as 'Teach Me' tutorials alongside our 'How To' tutorials within AMaT.
Without this community, and without this continued focus on listening and learning from each other, we would not be able to deliver our one main ambition -to provide an environment for learning, improvement and assurance.
AMaT is now working with 44 NHS Trusts, Health Boards, and healthcare organisations to improve governance related activity.